مـقالات بـالإنجليزية
The guidance of the faithful Prophet on dealing with offenders and mockers
This fact led foreigners to convert to Islam and to love and follow the Prophet, peace be upon him. Some even had a wrong perception before. But when they studied the Prophet’s biography and examinedhis morals, they repented and had sincere penitence. Exactly like what happened to the Dutchman Arnoud van Doorn who directed a film titled “Fitna” about the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, but later regretted and apologized for offending the prophet’seminentstatus and announced his conversion to Islam (the video is available online).
Coexistence and tolerance in Islam
Thus, Islam strictly condemned all forms of idolatry and formally refuted the idea that Jesus peace and blessing upon him would have any divine character or that he was related to God and considered this a serious falsification of the message of the prophet Moses and Jesus.
Preamble for a conception of an ethical system
This increased reversal, as well as this rate of unbridled mutation, has generated ethical evils, which have turned Man into a greedy monster that undermines the safety and well-being of his fellow human beings, because of nuclear technology, violence of all kinds, weapons of mass destruction, environmental pollution, the enslavement of human beings by reducing them to robots that execute the agenda of modernism to the letter, hacking and invasion of privacy with cyberbullying, extorting confidential photos, financial fraud, cloning, and all its evils generated as a result of the counterproductive overuse of technology.
Muhammad the Perfect Man
One of God’s greatest blessings upon us is that God has bestowed us the complete religion, and the perfect Prophet: Muhammad (PBUH)
No one can grasp the height of perfection embodied in our Prophet Mohammed peace andblessings be upon him. Therefore, we offer only the best aspects of this Mohammedan perfection.
Science of Tawhid (monotheism) and purification
The first refers to the Oneness of the Seigniory (Tawhid Ar-Rubiyya) and its substitutes, and the second to the Oneness and Worship (Tawhid Al-Uluhiyya) and its complements.
Reflection on gender relations from an Islamic law perspective
Reflection on gender relations from an Islamic law perspective kabbadj hammad In Islamic law, the relationship between a man and a woman has a set of determinants that can be summarized in three main ethical foundations: chastity, respect, and modesty. In the light...Training Young Boys, According to Miskawayh
Maybe reflection on the title of his book, ‘Refinement of character’, will produce a swift result, the import being that he trusted in the possibility of refining and purifying morals from the evils and wickedness attached to them.